It's like it when to another world of mine that i didn't knew that it exist.
Yes, breaking up may feel painful but, come on life still have to go on, i need oxygen to live, not him.
Is it true? But sometimes i wonder. Will we ever be back together again?
Or rather, will we be best friends after breaking up?
To me, best friends is a yes, to him absolutely not.
It is not easy trying to forget that i no longer have to meet you i no longer have to do certain things.
Like , loving you.
My hear feels empty man. People asking me " Hey, you okay? " I hate it.
Oh, dont wanna talk about it anymore.
Yes i miss my past. My primary school , that damn ugly girl that was me and now, the still even more ugly girl. 17 years , ive seen a lot. I've been through a lot. I seen a lot of people. Walk pass a lot of people. hmmm... I need a time machine...